Wednesday 16 March 2011


Check out this SlideShare Presentation: my evaluation to my rock magazine

Sunday 13 March 2011

Double Page Spread Development 4

I now have added the subheading and the coloums of writing. I have put the main questions from the interviewer and the people of the band acctually speaking in black.

The next development will be my last development and final product. I will just have to add the picture and then the double page spread is done.

Double Page Spread Development 3

Here I have added the main heading to the page. I have made the word " dream " Stand out by making it a different colour so that it grabs the readers eye.

The next thing im going to do is add the whole writing. I will display this in coloums so it looks proffesional.

Double Page Spread Development 2

Here is my second page for my double page spread. I have added the information in the boxs however, I know that red on black isn't peoples first choice but I think in this situation I believe it works very well. Next I will add the Main Heading for the story on the page.

Double Page Spread Development 1

Here is my first development page for my double page spread. I have placed the nightmare logo in the middle of the page so it merges the two pages together. This method is conventional to most magazines. also I have placed to two boxs for information because I have found in most rock magazines they place information in smaller boxs.

Content Page Development 3

Here I have now added the subheadings and page numbers. There isn't much more that I can do, all thats left is to add a picture of the main band that are on the front cover and then that will be my final draft and my last development.