Tuesday 8 March 2011

Layout Ideas

Here I have created 3 diffrenet type of layouts that I could follow for my magazie layout. Here is the first on I have created, I think this would be great because it is nicely organised around the picture which would make my front cover look really proessional. Also it isn't to crowded so that it over taking the acctualy main image.

Here is the second layout I have made. I also like this layout as it doesn't over take or draw away any attention to the main image if anything it highlights the main image and in a rock magazine that is what I want and need.

Here is the third layout I have made and this one is so it focuses 100% on the main image. The main image will be a long shot of the band that is the main heading of the magazine. Also it is very organised with the sub heading just at the bottom of the page to the side of the image so the front cover will be alot more proffesional.

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