Thursday 30 September 2010

Cover shot research - Classic Rock

In this post I will be the way this magazine puts across there genre of music by the type of camera shot the magazine uses.

This type of shot is a medium long shot so that they can show of the guitar mostly because that's what the magazine is most bothered about. Also its a medium long shot to show that they aren't as serious as heavy rock music or metal rock music but more free to different types of classic and vintage rock music. Also, the picture of James Hetfield but not in colour in more greyish because classic rock is seen as vintage so they have made James Hetfield grey so he looks vintage like the genre.

Cover shot research - Metal Hammer

In this post I will evaluating the type of camera shot my genre of magazine shows and if that shot would be a good shot to us for my magazine.

In 'Metal Hammer' the have used a close up of a 'slipknot' members face with the mask on. They have done this because slipknot have been known for beening scary and terrifing so showing this close up of his face and adjusted the brightness and shade of the background and the face to makehe shot look aot more serious. Also, The shot shows how serious he is because you can see how intense he is and that give the magazine and the genre more serious style to the magazine.

I think that this could possibly be a good type of shot for my magazine becuse the genre I am doing is realy serious and I think that this shot would show how serious the music is.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Trends Of Rolling Stones Magazine

In this Post I will be showing the trends of the 'rolling stones' magazine and how the have portraided classic
rock. The 'Rolling stones'  magazine have chosen to us a classic 80's font to show how much pride classic rock and the magazine have.

Also The main picture is of the band 'Nivarna' which is a rock band but they haven't shown close attention to that fact instead they have them dressed in smart suits and posed nice in a medium shot because that how classic music is shown classy, also they arn't as serious as other magazines are the have more of a smile on there faces because thats what the genre is about loving and havign fun about the music you are making, also classic rock is supposeto make you feel happy so thats why they have a smile on there face.

Trends of Kerrang magazine

In this post I will be analysing the trends of a couple of rock magazines because thats what type of music magazine I wish to do.

In this magazine 'Kerrang' have used a main image of a rock and '30 seconds to mars'. Each person in the band is in the main picture but as with most of 'Kerrang' magazines they have focused on there face expression, because the view on rock music is seen as angry,scary and heavy you rarely see the main image which is always a musician on the front smile or anything else they have mostly always got a straight or angry/mad face. However, if it was a hip-hop magazine you would expect it to have probably someone with a smie or dancing because it is conventional to the genre and the magazine.

Another thing is the font of 'Kerrang' magazine, because rock music is seen as angry and serious they have put the logo 'Kerrang' as if someone has just hit a window or miro with somthing and it gives it the smash affect, this way it gives the whole magazine a more serious feel to it which is excalty what the genre is.

Thursday 23 September 2010

Double page spread

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: My last presentation on anaysing magazine covers, contect pages and double page spreads.

Contect page analysis

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Thursday 16 September 2010

Media, Magazine Analysis

This is my first real media post, in this video I will be evaluting diffrent music magazine covers (e.g. Kerrang, NME, etc.). I will be describing what features are on the magazine and how they affect the magazine. There will be other posts that show the contect page and a couple of double page spreads of some music magazines.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

First Post

Hello, My name is James Cummings and on here I will be posting my A level media course work.