Thursday 30 September 2010

Cover shot research - Metal Hammer

In this post I will evaluating the type of camera shot my genre of magazine shows and if that shot would be a good shot to us for my magazine.

In 'Metal Hammer' the have used a close up of a 'slipknot' members face with the mask on. They have done this because slipknot have been known for beening scary and terrifing so showing this close up of his face and adjusted the brightness and shade of the background and the face to makehe shot look aot more serious. Also, The shot shows how serious he is because you can see how intense he is and that give the magazine and the genre more serious style to the magazine.

I think that this could possibly be a good type of shot for my magazine becuse the genre I am doing is realy serious and I think that this shot would show how serious the music is.

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