Saturday 23 October 2010

School magazine contents page draft and final

This is my draft and final contents page for my school magazine.

Final School Magazine Cover

This is my final school magazine cover with the corrections which people have offered me.

Something that I had to change and something that people clearly pointed out was the size of the school logo, they said it was to small and needed to be increased a bit so that was i did. This is good for the magazine because it covers up a gap at the top right hand corner and makes the page look a little more full.
Also I got told that the splash was in the wrong position and is covering up the face so I moved the splash down and increased the size of the main splash to make it stand out more.
I have also made the words "Free" and "Exclusive" bolder so it attracts people so that section of the magazine.

Thursday 21 October 2010

School Magazine cover draft 1

This is my first draft of my school magazine cover.

I have asked Ryan to look in to the camera so when the readers look at my cover it will draw them in t the magazine. I have chosen a medium shot so that it can show his school uniform to show the fact that this is a school magazine and he is at school. Many people I have asked mentioned the way he is looking at you and said that that was a good thing

On the other hand, Many people I have asked for improvements have noticed about the free space underneath the splash and text and also some above the text so what I am going to do is move the splash down so it's not on his face to much and make the text abit bigger so that it stands out more.I'm also going to make the issue number, price and date smaller so that the subheading stand out more. Also the school logo will be brought down and then increasedin size so it can then fill more space.
Also because some magazine covers I have seen and analysed, if they have mentioned the word free or exclusive etc they will make them standout so I will make free and exclusive bold so that when people look at the magazine they will be drawn to the words and get more interesed.Also People have said that they would put the logo abit bigger so I will be increasing the size of it.

Tuesday 19 October 2010


This presetation is analysis of school or college covers and contect pages for my school school agazine.